Polub nas

Seria LEGO Mindstorms kończy swoją karierę.

Około godzinę temu ukazała się wiadomość o wycofaniu z rynku serii LEGO Mindstorms.
Zgodnie z komunikatem LEGO, seria ta wygaśnie do końca tego roku i nie będzie już wznawiana.

Wraz z wycofaniem serii, zniknie także ostatni zestaw Mindstorms – 51515 Wynalazca Robotów.
Natomiast aplikacja wspierająca roboty będzie wspierana do końca 2024r.

Co ważne, nie oznacza to końca robotyki w LEGO. Serie takie jak Spike oraz Education będą nadal rozwijane.

Oficjalny komunikat LEGO odnośnie końca serii:

„Since its launch in September 1998, LEGO Mindstorms has been one of the core ‘Build & Code’ experiences in the company’s portfolio, carrying with it significant brand equity and becoming a stand-out experience for the early days of consumer robotics and leading to current Build & Code experiences such as SPIKE Prime, from LEGO Education’s LEGO Learning System.

„However, now having a number of priorities in LEGO Education and other Build & Code experiences, we have decided to focus our resources and future plans by redirecting our Mindstorms Robot Inventor team and their expertise into different areas of the business.

„This means the physical Mindstorms Robot Inventor product (51515) and its related elements (88016 and 88018) are to exit our portfolio from the end of 2022, whilst digital platforms – such as the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor App – will remain live until at least the end of 2024.

„We still have strong belief in the Build & Code proposition and will continue to support it through platforms such as SPIKE Prime, and we are continuing to hold on to the trademark for the Mindstorms brand and assessing our future plans together with LEGO Education.”

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